11:05 PM Idioms: Starting/beginning | |
I. Learn the idioms:
Make a fresh start - начать всё заново (the beginning of a new period or step)
Start from scratch - начать с нуля, не имея преимущества (start something from the very beginning)
Back to the drawing board - вернуться в начало, начать сначала (an idea has to go back to the beginning because it was unsuccessful)
II. Choose the best idiom to complete the situation:
a) - Bess! Why did you quit your job in that bank? You were making so much money.
- I decided it was time to _________________ and become a writer.
b) The boss forced the young employee to _____________ because his project didn't work well.
c) Sherryl _______________ her company __________, and now she is rich and successful. (Mind the Past Simple tense!)
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